Click on thumbnail images below for slideshow view.
Harvesting weeds in Bourges, France.
Ready to harvest in Ankara, Turkey.
Early morning on Seneca Lake, New York.
Set to harvest on Pontiac Lake, Michigan.
Clearing rowing lanes in St. Catherines, Ontario.
Harvesting heavy hyacinth in Asia.
Harvesting in Nigeria.
A load of weeds ready to be unloaded
Aquamarine H9 Aquatic Weed Harvesters feature tilt up paddle wheels for easy transport.
Aquamarine H5-200 Aquatic Weed Harvester
Our H5-200 Aquatic Weed Harvester is packed with premium features – like a stainless steel hull and now with a Diesel Engine STANDARD – and offers incredible value at an unbelievably affordable price.